2012 was not the worst year, but it's definitely a contender. I lost family pretty much right off, and it seemed like a lot of my friends were stricken with the same plague of misfortune and loss. Because my birthday is so close to the start of the year, I thought what while year 30 was about finally getting on my own feet as an adult, year 31 would be furthering that and taking on things that meant really shaping my own life. But because the years of our lives are not compact television series seasons, things from before still kept screwing with me, too.
Medical bills (which I still have to cope with) made a bad year worse. I've had to sink a few thousand dollars into the house and Jeep (each) to keep things going. There's more to come with that, as it'll be the new thing I drag into the new year. My back/shoulder/head thing I think is progressing in the medical sense, not the positive one. Things with Kim remain difficult. I didn't finish the book, yet again.
But, I met some new friends. I got back to freelance writing. I did start pushing my life the way I want it to go in some meaningful ways. I think year 32 is going to be more of that, and even if it isn't, I'm ready for the fight.
I don't have a lot else to say right now because I went to bed at 4 and woke up about 8, so my head's still a little fuzzy, but I wanted to put something down while I was thinking about it. Went to the Side Bar and did the "downtown New Year's" thing for the first time in Austin. Not too bad, give or take your typical "people drink too much on noes" stuff. Stories for the kids, I guess. Hopefully I'll put it all down so it doesn't evaporate forever.