Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, I Got You a Poke in the Eye

Today I am 31. Being 30 wasn't so bad, but it felt like a lot of time spent getting my footing right. I don't know if I'll ever really feel like an adult, but I know that certain things are different now, and people are at least looking at me like one. With the priveliges of being treated as an adult, there is also the responsibility to making sure you don't fuck it up too bad, I guess. I didn't get my novel finished. I didn't re-learn Spanish. But I did keep my home, I haven't managed to kill myself, and I'm slowly steering my day-to-day job back in a direction that I like. I need to get myself back in the habit of writing regularly.

I contacted Shawn a few weeks back to pick up some work from AEG. Medical bills are a monstrous bitch and paying off last year's trips is not going as quickly as I had thought. It really came down to "pick up a few checks from AEG" or "work part time as a waiter or something". The waiter thing may yet come to pass, I'm not too certain how going back to work for AEG will sit with me. It'll either be great and much better given the years I've had to understand what I want and what I am right to expect, or I'll just get disgusted and say nevermind after one assignment. Let's see what happens!

Raiding with the guild is on again. Cass asked me to pick up the raid lead spot because her semester this year is crushing her sanity. Fortunately, I haven't embarassed myself too bad, and Stephen xferred over to Blackhand to fill a DPS spot. Things are going pretty smoothly - two nights a week, ~3 hours each night, BWD one night and BoT the other. We're up to the end on both, though it's going to be a flustercluck till the end, I think. The threat of having to do Heroic raiding is looming large, as I'm currently playing a re-branded Shaper (Beerbraids!) as Resto, which is easily the weakest healing spec in the game right now. We wiped last night a few times and I kept thinking "Well, if this was a Paladin or Priest, we'd be alright." I'm not making many mistakes, but the simple throughput shortfall is making this harder than it should be. On the flip, I really like Shaman, and it's not pissing me off too much yet.

4.0.6 drops today, the first major rebalancing/tweaking patch since the expansion went live, and Resto Shaman is barely touched. It's not encouraging.

Took tomorrow off since I'm working this weekend. Probably gonna see if I can drag some folks to Mr. Tramps to check it out before we go there for Trivia for the first time tomorrow.

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