Friday, August 23, 2013

Dear Internet

Zack Snyder: Oh, hey, DC. It's been a long time. I've guess you've been... busy with... Christian Bale. I've been busy, too. I've been thinking about comic book movies, and the Batman IP, and I'm happy for you. I really am. Christian's a great guy. I mean, he's got a great jawline. I found someone with a good jawline, too. I don't know if you've heard, but... I'm casting Ben Affleck.

 Ben Affleck: He's casting Ben Affleck.

Zack Snyder: While Christian's trilogy ended like shit? I'm casting Ben Affleck.

Ben Affleck: He said he's casting Ben Affleck. Hey, Christian, I've been in bigger hits.

Zack Snyder: You're not using that accent, though, right?

Ben Affleck: ... no...

Harley Quinn: Excuse me... is someone here... casting Ben Affleck?

Zack Snyder: I am! I'm casting him.

Harley Quinn: Great, doll. Sign here!

Zack Snyder: Thank you. (reading cake) "Screw Snyder, I Like Your Accent."

Ben Affleck: Aww.

Zack & Ben: When I made this choice, I had this feeling inside.
It's like a million angry nerds went home and died.
I love the Chicklets you call teeth, I see money in your eyes!
When I'm casting you, Ben Affleck, I feel like I don't have to try.
And this casting won't be stopped no matter how hard they cry.

Ben Affleck: They can't stop it.

Zack Snyder: They can't stop it!